3 marks available
Suggested word count of 300 out of the 2500 words
Deadline First Draft: Friday 4 October 2024 - 21h00 (same as Conclusion)
Suggested word count of 300 out of the 2500 words
Deadline First Draft: Friday 4 October 2024 - 21h00 (same as Conclusion)
You should review the investigative methodology.
What factors may have affected the validity of the data?
You should suggest specific and plausible ways in which the study might have been improved and could be extended in the future.
Consider the validity of the fieldwork question, fieldwork sites, reliability of statistical testing & presentation of data.
Make sure you do the following...
- Evaluate the data collection methods and suggested realistic improvements.
- Suggest how the fieldwork question could be modified.
- Suggest how the presentation of your data could be improved. Explain why the changes would benefit your IA.
- Suggest how the study could be expended.