Click on the map below that shows you the spread of current case studies for the IB DP Geography course.
Part 1 - Themes
Theme A - Freshwater (blue tap)
Theme D - Geophysical Hazards (blue earthquake trace)
Theme E - Leisure, Sport, Tourism (brown binoculars)
Theme G - Urban Environments (purple skyscrapers)
Part 2 - Perspectives
Population Distribution (Green Skateboarder)
Climate Vulnerability & Resiliency (Red Thermometer)
Global Resource Consumption & Security (Yellow Factory)
Part 3 - Interactions
All Units (black airplane)
Click on the map to be taken to Google Maps and add or remove the layers above.
Part 1 - Themes
Theme A - Freshwater (blue tap)
Theme D - Geophysical Hazards (blue earthquake trace)
Theme E - Leisure, Sport, Tourism (brown binoculars)
Theme G - Urban Environments (purple skyscrapers)
Part 2 - Perspectives
Population Distribution (Green Skateboarder)
Climate Vulnerability & Resiliency (Red Thermometer)
Global Resource Consumption & Security (Yellow Factory)
Part 3 - Interactions
All Units (black airplane)
Click on the map to be taken to Google Maps and add or remove the layers above.