2 marks available
Suggested word count of 200 out of the 2500 words
Deadline First Draft: Friday 4 October 2024 - 21h00 (same as Evaluation)
Suggested word count of 200 out of the 2500 words
Deadline First Draft: Friday 4 October 2024 - 21h00 (same as Evaluation)
You should answer your investigation title - How do both resorts compare in terms of tourism and tourism management?
You should summarize your findings including key data (differences between minimum & maximums, averages etc)
No new ideas should be discussed in this section.
State that you have proved / disproved your hypotheses.
Make sure you do the following...
- Ensure your conclusion relates to the fieldwork question and is consistent with the outcomes of your analysis.
- Include key overall data.
You should summarize your findings including key data (differences between minimum & maximums, averages etc)
No new ideas should be discussed in this section.
State that you have proved / disproved your hypotheses.
Make sure you do the following...
- Ensure your conclusion relates to the fieldwork question and is consistent with the outcomes of your analysis.
- Include key overall data.