Methods of Investigation...
3 marks available
Suggested word count of 300 out of the 2500 words
Deadline First Draft: Monday 14th June 2021
Suggested word count of 300 out of the 2500 words
Deadline First Draft: Monday 14th June 2021
You must only describe the method(s) used to collect the data you will use. Keep a close eye on your word count!
Here are the methods that you employed:
Occupied Channel Width
Bankfull Width
Wetted Perimeter
Cross sectional area / profile
Bedload size
Bedload shape
You should only describe the methods for the data you are going to use to answer your sub-hypothesis and therefore the fieldwork question.
Remember you can use annotated photos/diagrams to help reduce the amount of words.
You must justify the methods used and the quality of the data collected.
You should discuss sampling techniques - see pages 159-162 of Waugh, David. Geography: An Integrated Approach.Third ed. Walton-on-Thames: Nelson, 2000.
Make sure you do the following...
- Describe each of the methods used to collect your data. Perhaps using annotated photographs / diagrams would be a good idea.
- Describe how you collected your data (in teams of 5) & shared the data afterwards on a Google Sheet.
- Describe where you recorded your data and include a scan of a completed page from the data collection booklet.
- Describe how each method is relevant to helping to answer each of your hypotheses
- Discuss sampling techniques and mention limitations.
* Massive thanks to Richard Allaway & Ellena Mart over in Geneva for the use of their data collection booklet.